the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves. We
are still harvesting a few cold tolerant items and preserving a few
things, but for the most part it is now time once again to enjoy what I
was able to preserve this summer. :}
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu
planning has been good for my family. :D It only
takes me 15-20 min to put
together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of
something new to add. If you are interested
in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post
to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Still available fresh from the garden:
-a few carrots & kohlrabi
-kale & lettuce
Slow Cooker Garlic & Brown Sugar Chicken, rice and frozen peas
Hungry Jack Casserole, Cornbread & garden carrots
Pesto Beef Stuffed Shells (homemade frozen pesto & tomato sauce)
Oatmeal squash cookies - frozen squash
Happy Garden Eating! :)
Questions? Write Me at
Questions? Write me at fullcirclegardener @ cableone . net.
On the Menu (10-28 to 11-3)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves. We
are still harvesting a few cold tolerant items and preserving a few
things, but for the most part it is now time once again to enjoy what I
was able to preserve this summer. :}
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Still available fresh from the garden:
-kohlrabi - harvest a couple more again today; such sweet flavor right now!!! :D
Pumpkin/Squash Waffles - garden squash
Buffalo Chicken Stromboli - homemade pepper sauce
Scalloped Potatoes - garden potatoes (didn't happen last week)
Sweet and Spicy Glazed Chicken - peach salsa or zucchini peach marmalade
-dried apples
-roasted pumpkin seeds
-roast pumpkin seeds
-still waiting for the rest of my green tomatoes to ripen in my kitchen; down to one last flat! :)
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Still available fresh from the garden:
-kohlrabi - harvest a couple more again today; such sweet flavor right now!!! :D
Pumpkin/Squash Waffles - garden squash
Buffalo Chicken Stromboli - homemade pepper sauce
Scalloped Potatoes - garden potatoes (didn't happen last week)
Sweet and Spicy Glazed Chicken - peach salsa or zucchini peach marmalade
-dried apples
-roasted pumpkin seeds
-roast pumpkin seeds
-still waiting for the rest of my green tomatoes to ripen in my kitchen; down to one last flat! :)
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
Plant of the Week: Blazing-star
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Blazing Star (Liatris sp.) photo credit |
Plant each Blazing Star about 18 inches apart in a full to mostly sunny location. Many garden centers carry one or two ornamental varieties of Blazing Star as established plants. Also, the plant's large root system can be divided for propagation if you have access to a well established plant. Divide and transplant early in the spring to allow them to get well established again before the winter cold arrives. Another propagation option is to collect seeds after the flowers have faded and are dry. Broadcast seeds in the fall, start them in an unheated greenhouse or cold frame, or cold treat them before starting them indoors.
Please Note: Respect native prairie plant communities! Do not dig up wild plants or gather wild seed. They are a part of a greater community that depends on them. Thank you!
Happy Wildflower Gardening! :)
On the Menu (10-21 to 10-27)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves. We
are still harvesting a few cold tolerant items and preserving a few
things, but for the most part it is now time once again to enjoy what I
was able to preserve this summer. :}
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Last week I completely re-wrote my menu when the cold rainy weather arrived and filled it with soup and chili. ;) Don't you love a flexible menu plan! :D Here is this weeks 'plan'. We'll see if I stick to it better this week! ;P
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Still available fresh from the garden:
Pork Carnitas - homemade pepper sauce
Turkey Potpie - frozen veggies & left over turkey from the weekend
Scalloped Potatoes - garden potatoes I bought from a fellow gardener
Spinach Artichoke Pasta - fresh spinach (this a maybe if I can come up with something else to make a main course for the rest of my family! ;})
-dried apples
-squash/pumpkin something
-no plans yet this week; still waiting for the rest of my green tomatoes to ripen in my kitchen; down to one last flat! :)
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Last week I completely re-wrote my menu when the cold rainy weather arrived and filled it with soup and chili. ;) Don't you love a flexible menu plan! :D Here is this weeks 'plan'. We'll see if I stick to it better this week! ;P
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Still available fresh from the garden:
Pork Carnitas - homemade pepper sauce
Turkey Potpie - frozen veggies & left over turkey from the weekend
Scalloped Potatoes - garden potatoes I bought from a fellow gardener
Spinach Artichoke Pasta - fresh spinach (this a maybe if I can come up with something else to make a main course for the rest of my family! ;})
-dried apples
-squash/pumpkin something
-no plans yet this week; still waiting for the rest of my green tomatoes to ripen in my kitchen; down to one last flat! :)
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
On the Menu (10-14 to 10-20)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves. We
are still harvesting a few cold tolerant items and preserving a few
things, but for the most part it is now time once again to enjoy what I
was able to preserve this summer. :}
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
Pork Carnitas - homemade pepper sauce
Homemade Pizza - home canned pizza sauce
No Peek Chicken & frozen garden broccoli
Meatloaf and baked potatoes
Beef Enchilada - homemade tomato sauce
-fresh apples
-fruit leathers
-banana bread
-no plans this week; still waiting for the rest of my green tomatoes to ripen in my kitchen
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
Pork Carnitas - homemade pepper sauce
Homemade Pizza - home canned pizza sauce
No Peek Chicken & frozen garden broccoli
Meatloaf and baked potatoes
Beef Enchilada - homemade tomato sauce
-fresh apples
-fruit leathers
-banana bread
-no plans this week; still waiting for the rest of my green tomatoes to ripen in my kitchen
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
Plant of the Week: Black-Eyed Susan
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Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) photo credit |
Blanket flowers are a pioneer species, meaning they easily establish from seed in disturbed soils and are often found in mass along roadsides or other disturbed areas. This trait can make them 'weedy' in a flower garden but an annual thinning of seedlings or careful deadheading of the flowers will keep them under control. Blanket flowers are bi-annual and will produce only a ring of leaves (rosette) which lie on the ground their first year, die back for the winter, and then shoot up a flowering stock that can be as tall as 3 feet their second year. Each flowering stock produces yellow petaled flowers with a black/brown center that attract a wide variety of insect pollinators including butterflies and honeybees.
Seeds for Black-eyed Susan can be purchased from wild flower distributors or garden bred varieties can be purchased from any local garden center. Plant seeds early in the spring, about two weeks before the average last spring frost, and thin seedlings to about two feet apart after they have produced their second 'real' leaf. Seedlings can also be started indoors about 6 weeks prior to the last spring frost and transplanted into a prepared garden bed. Black-eyed Susan prefer full sun to very slight shade and should be watered the equivalent of 1 inch of water every week.
Please Note: Respect native prairie plant communities! Do not dig up wild plants or gather wild seed. They are a part of a greater community that depends on them. Thank you!
Happy Gardening! :)
On the Menu (10-7 to 10-13)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves. We are still harvesting a few cold tolerant items and preserving a few things, but for the most part it is now time once again to enjoy what I was able to preserve this summer. :}
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
Baked Caramel Apple Pancakes - fresh apples
Homemade Pizza - home canned pizza sauce
Cabbage Rolls - garden cabbage & frozen tomato sauce
Eggplant something - just can't make up my mind yet... :}
-fresh & dehydrated apples
-dehydrate apple chips
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
Baked Caramel Apple Pancakes - fresh apples
Homemade Pizza - home canned pizza sauce
Cabbage Rolls - garden cabbage & frozen tomato sauce
Eggplant something - just can't make up my mind yet... :}
-fresh & dehydrated apples
-dehydrate apple chips
Is your garden done or are you harvesting and eating fresh yet this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Plant of the Week: Blanket Flower
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Blanket Flower (Gaillardia sp.) photo credit |
Plants can be purchased from a garden center or started indoors from seed 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Transplant starters and potted plants in full sun and well drained soil in early spring but after all chance of frost has past. Individual plants should be spaced about 18 inches apart in clusters of 3 to 7 plants for the best landscaping autistic and to get the 'color splash' that will draw pollinators. Water newly establishing plants deeply and regularly for the first year. Once the root system is well established, water only during the driest years.
(Note: Please respect native prairie and wild plant communities! Do not dig up wild plants or gather wild seed. They are a part of a greater community that depends on them. Thank you!)
Happy Gardening! :)
Fall Clean Up Time
October is here and ready or not, it is time to think about closing down the garden(s) for the season. Today, Oct 2, is the date of the average first hard frost (28F) for my area and a look at the forecast for the week only confirms again that it IS that time of year (cold temps, rain, even possible snow to the west of us!)! :{
I will be harvesting my remaining tomatoes and peppers, and going through my Fall Cleanup Checklist hopefully today. Most of the tomatoes that remain on the plants are completely green yet so I'll need to ripen them indoors, but that is an easy process. Check out this post from last year on how to ripen green tomatoes indoors if you haven't done it before.
Happy Fall & Garden Cleanup! :}
I will be harvesting my remaining tomatoes and peppers, and going through my Fall Cleanup Checklist hopefully today. Most of the tomatoes that remain on the plants are completely green yet so I'll need to ripen them indoors, but that is an easy process. Check out this post from last year on how to ripen green tomatoes indoors if you haven't done it before.
Happy Fall & Garden Cleanup! :}
On the Menu (9-30 to 10-6)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves from last
season. Now that it is the season for garden fresh produce, it is my goal to incorporate as
much garden fresh ingredients as I can into our meals, and preserve
the abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-zucchini/summer squash
BBQ Smoked Pulled Pork and coleslaw - garden cabbage & carrots
grilled chicken & veggie packets - garden veggies
Eggplant Rollatini & lasagna - frozen tomato sauce, chopped zucchini, & garden carrots
taco soup - frozen corn, canned tomato pepper mix (home canned 'rotel')
-fresh apples & veggies
-apple pear leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
-chop & freeze sweet peppers
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-zucchini/summer squash
BBQ Smoked Pulled Pork and coleslaw - garden cabbage & carrots
grilled chicken & veggie packets - garden veggies
Eggplant Rollatini & lasagna - frozen tomato sauce, chopped zucchini, & garden carrots
taco soup - frozen corn, canned tomato pepper mix (home canned 'rotel')
-fresh apples & veggies
-apple pear leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
-chop & freeze sweet peppers
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Plant of the Week: Purple Prairie Coneflower
Purple Prairie Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) photo credit |
Plants can be purchased from a garden center or a root division can be taken from a well established garden plant. Transplant in either the spring or early fall. Coneflowers also start fairly well from seed. (Please Note: Respect native prairie plant communities! Do not dig up wild plants or gather wild seed. They are a part of a greater community that depends on them. Thank you!) Purchase seeds from a garden center or gather them from your garden friends' flower beds. Gathered seed will need to go through a cold treatment before they will germinate.
Plant seeds outdoors early in the spring (6+ weeks before the last frost) or start them indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Transplant starters in full to partial sun after all chance of frost has past for the season. Individuals should be spaced 2 - 2 1/2 ft apart but in clusters of 3 to 7 plants for the best landscaping autistic and to get the 'color splash' that will draw butterflies. Water newly establishing plants regularly and remove all flower buds for the first year or until well established. Once the root system is well established, water only during the driest years and deadhead flowers to prevent self seeding.
Happy Gardening! :)
Plant of the Week... Moving to Thursdays
Fall and 'school year' activities are in full swing now and the new 'life reality' has set in. I love sharing all I learn about the Plant of the Week with you every week, but I am finding that I just do not have time to sit down and write by Wednesdays anymore. :(
I spent much time thinking about this today and decided that it is time to move this weekly post to Thursdays. It is my hope that in the quieter Wednesday evenings I will be able to carve out time for writing. Thanks for your patience and look for the new Plant of the Week post tomorrow sometime.
Happy Fall Scheduling and Gardening! :}
On the Menu This Week (9-23 to 9-29)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves from last
season. Now that it is the season for garden fresh produce, it is my goal to incorporate as
much garden fresh ingredients as I can into our meals, and preserve
the abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-zucchini/summer squash
-Pesto Chicken Stuffed Shells & garden greens salad- uses frozen pesto, garden kale, spinach & lettuce
-Grilled Pork Chops & Broccoli Salad - uses garden broccoli, carrots, & onion
-Sloppy Joes & Copycat KFC Coleslaw - uses homemade tomato sauce & garden cabbage
-fresh veggies & fruit
-banana bread
-apple leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
-freeze crust ready apple pie
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-zucchini/summer squash
-Pesto Chicken Stuffed Shells & garden greens salad- uses frozen pesto, garden kale, spinach & lettuce
-Grilled Pork Chops & Broccoli Salad - uses garden broccoli, carrots, & onion
-Sloppy Joes & Copycat KFC Coleslaw - uses homemade tomato sauce & garden cabbage
-fresh veggies & fruit
-banana bread
-apple leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
-freeze crust ready apple pie
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
On the Menu (9-16 to 9-22)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and to be
intentional about using fresh garden produce and preserves from last
season. Now that it is the season for garden fresh produce, it is my goal to incorporate as
much garden fresh ingredients as I can into our meals, and preserve
the abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-zucchini/summer squash
-Potluck Spareribs & baked buttercup squash - garden fresh squash
-Elegant Grilled Chicken & Copycat KFC Coleslaw - garden fresh herbs, cabbage & carrots
-Summer Veggie and Herb Baked Ziti - garden fresh zucchini, summer squash & herbs
-Apple Pie -frozen last year
-fresh veggies & fruit
-squash muffins
-freeze corn
-apple leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
-freeze crust ready apple pie
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-zucchini/summer squash
-Potluck Spareribs & baked buttercup squash - garden fresh squash
-Elegant Grilled Chicken & Copycat KFC Coleslaw - garden fresh herbs, cabbage & carrots
-Summer Veggie and Herb Baked Ziti - garden fresh zucchini, summer squash & herbs
-Apple Pie -frozen last year
-fresh veggies & fruit
-squash muffins
-freeze corn
-apple leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
-freeze crust ready apple pie
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Frost Tonight?
My tomato and pepper plants are loaded with fruit yet and many are green! |
Fall is soon upon us and the threat of frost hangs over our gardens again. The National Weather Service is suggesting a low of 29F tonight in my neck of the woods and I've had questions from a couple of friends about what to do. "Do I cover my plants?' 'My tomatoes are mostly green yet, do I harvest them today?' To answer the question of whether to protect or not, here are a couple of questions to answer for yourself.
1. Is this an early frost? Am I likely to get more good growing season or is day length too short and temps too cool? (See average fall frost dates from NDSU extension here.)
2. Are my plants ready to be done for the year? Sometimes more importantly, am I ready to be done for the year?
3. Do I have time to harvest the remaining produce before frost/freeze sets this evening? Do I have time to protect my garden yet today?
If you are not ready to be done, your plants are not ready to be done and this is probably a short cool spell that you are willing to work with, then go ahead and take measures to protect sensitive plants from the cold. If you and/or your plants are done for the year, or you are not able to protect your garden, then it is time to get out and harvest the produce off from sensitive plants like peppers and tomatoes before the cold sets in. (Check out my post from last fall about ripening green tomatoes indoors if you choose to harvest and ripen them indoors.)
Are you going to protect your garden or harvest today?
Happy Fall Gardening! :)
Plant of the Week: Beet
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Beets (Beta vulgaris) photo credit |
Beets prefer cool temperatures (not freezing) but tolerate heat making them a good long season plant and great addition to a northern garden. They can be directly seeded into a prepared garden bed as much as 5 weeks prior to the average last spring frost in the spring and again in the fall 6 to 10 weeks before the average first fall frost. As with other tuberous vegetables (carrot, parsnip), the beet does best in a loose, well drained soil and full sun. Thin seedlings to one inch apart initially and 3-4 inches apart as they get larger (don't forget to eat the greens of the thinned individuals!). Water beets to maintain continuous growth and harvest when the greens are 4-6 inches tall or the tuber is 1 1/2 - 2 inches in diameter. Like kohlrabi, beet tubers tend to become more fibrous with age so successive plantings and frequent harvests are preferable for a long season. Store in a cold location (near freezing) with high humidity for long term storage.
Happy Gardening! :)
In the Kitchen: Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salsa
I was introduced to a couple of 'open can and dump' versions of this recipe early this spring. It reminds my family of a corn salsa we get at our favorite burrito joint. I have been anxiously waiting for my tomatoes and peppers to ripen so that I could try it with fresh ingredients. If you are interested in one of the original recipes, check out this one on my Pinterest recipe board.
Here is my fresh version. Enjoy! :)
1 1/2 c whole corn kernals (frozen, canned - drained or fresh- blanched & cut off cob)
1 medium onion (chopped)
1 red pepper (chopped)
1 mild pepper (anaheim, hungarian wax)
2 c chopped tomato
1/4 c fresh cilantro chopped
1 clove crushed garlic
1 can black beans (drained & rinsed)
1/2 c oil
1/2 c white vinegar
3 Tbs lemon or lime juice
1 Tbs sugar
1 Tbs salt
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cumin
Clean and chop all veggies and herbs into bite size pieces. Add remaining ingredients and stir until all ingredients are well incorporated. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later use.
Note: My husband is not a bean fan so I make the whole recipe without the beans and set aside about 1/3 of the salsa for him. I then add the black beans to the remaining 2/3 of the salsa for the rest of the family.
Here is my fresh version. Enjoy! :)
Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salsa
From The Full Circle Gardener
1 1/2 c whole corn kernals (frozen, canned - drained or fresh- blanched & cut off cob)
1 medium onion (chopped)
1 red pepper (chopped)
1 mild pepper (anaheim, hungarian wax)
2 c chopped tomato
1/4 c fresh cilantro chopped
1 clove crushed garlic
1 can black beans (drained & rinsed)
1/2 c oil
1/2 c white vinegar
3 Tbs lemon or lime juice
1 Tbs sugar
1 Tbs salt
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cumin
Clean and chop all veggies and herbs into bite size pieces. Add remaining ingredients and stir until all ingredients are well incorporated. Serve immediately or refrigerate for later use.
Note: My husband is not a bean fan so I make the whole recipe without the beans and set aside about 1/3 of the salsa for him. I then add the black beans to the remaining 2/3 of the salsa for the rest of the family.
Linked Up to Little House on the Prairie Living Old Fashion Recipe Exchange |
On the Menu (9-9 to 9-15)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and be
intentional about using garden produce and preserves from last
season. Now that it is the season for garden fresh produce, is my goal to incorporate as
much garden fresh ingredients as I can into our meals, and preserve
the over and above abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-pole beans
-zucchini/summer squash
-tacos & fresh Corn & Black Bean salsa - garden tomatoes, peppers, onion & corn
-Eggplant Parmigian & Chicken Parmigian (have to have something for everyone right :}) -garden eggplant
- Avacado Chicken Burger & Garden Pasta Salad - fresh pesto, garden carrots & peppers
-fresh veggies & fruit
-fresh apple sauce
-squash muffins
-apple leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-peppers (hot, mild & sweet)
-pole beans
-zucchini/summer squash
-tacos & fresh Corn & Black Bean salsa - garden tomatoes, peppers, onion & corn
-Eggplant Parmigian & Chicken Parmigian (have to have something for everyone right :}) -garden eggplant
- Avacado Chicken Burger & Garden Pasta Salad - fresh pesto, garden carrots & peppers
-fresh veggies & fruit
-fresh apple sauce
-squash muffins
-apple leathers
-dehydrate apple chips
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
On the Menu this Week (9-2 to 9-8)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and be
intentional about using garden produce and preserves from last
I have just about exhausted my stock of frozen and canned garden produce from last year, but fortunately, the garden and backyard fruit are producing fresh again. It is now my goal to incorporate as much fresh produce and herbs as I can into our meals, and then preserve the abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-pole beans
-zucchini/summer squash
-jalapeno peppers
-breakfast cups -uses potatoes, bell peppers, onions & tomatoes
-spaghetti (uses frozen tomato sauce)
-chili burger (uses frozen tomato sauce)
-burgers & spicy pickled green beans
-fresh veggies & fruit
-fruit leathers
-No Bake Energy Bites -need treats once in awhile :)
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
I have just about exhausted my stock of frozen and canned garden produce from last year, but fortunately, the garden and backyard fruit are producing fresh again. It is now my goal to incorporate as much fresh produce and herbs as I can into our meals, and then preserve the abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-pole beans
-zucchini/summer squash
-jalapeno peppers
-breakfast cups -uses potatoes, bell peppers, onions & tomatoes
-spaghetti (uses frozen tomato sauce)
-chili burger (uses frozen tomato sauce)
-burgers & spicy pickled green beans
-fresh veggies & fruit
-fruit leathers
-No Bake Energy Bites -need treats once in awhile :)
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
Plant of the Week
Yesterday's canning event (salsa, pizza sauce & tomato juice) |
Are there any particular plants that you would like to be featured as a Plant of the Week when it comes back?
Happy Gardening! :)
On the Menu This Week (8-26 to 9-1)
the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using
from my pantry and shop less for a couple months each winter... a Pantry Challenge.
With the end of February and this year's pantry challenge
complete, I found that I really liked having a basic menu plan to
guide me. I decided to continue making a month long menu, and be
intentional about using garden produce and preserves from last
I have just about exhausted my stock of frozen and canned garden produce from last year, but fortunately, the garden and backyard fruit are producing fresh again. It is now my goal to incorporate as much fresh produce and herbs as I can into our meals, and then preserve the abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-pole beans
-zucchini/summer squash
-jalapeno peppers
-Chicken Tacos, Mexican Rice & fresh Corn & Black Bean Salsa* - uses fresh tomato, pepper, corn
-Honey Lime Chicken & grilled veggies
-Burgers & Caprese Bites
-fresh veggies & fruit
freeze minced zucchini
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
I have just about exhausted my stock of frozen and canned garden produce from last year, but fortunately, the garden and backyard fruit are producing fresh again. It is now my goal to incorporate as much fresh produce and herbs as I can into our meals, and then preserve the abundance for the winter and spring to come.
Overall, I have to say that intentional menu planning has been good for my family. :D It only takes me 15-20 min to put together a new menu for the month unless I get stuck trying to think of something new to add. If you are interested in joining me in intentional menu planning, check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.
Here is what is on our menu this week...
Garden fresh this week:
-pole beans
-zucchini/summer squash
-jalapeno peppers
-Chicken Tacos, Mexican Rice & fresh Corn & Black Bean Salsa* - uses fresh tomato, pepper, corn
-Honey Lime Chicken & grilled veggies
-Burgers & Caprese Bites
-fresh veggies & fruit
freeze minced zucchini
What are you harvesting and eating fresh this week? Are you preserving any garden produce this week? I'd love hear about your favorite recipes!
Happy Garden Eating! :)
*this is a recipe I hope to post soon
And the Winners are...
The Full Circle Gardener Facebook page reached a milestone and in celebration I hosted a giveaway for two gift sets! :D Thank you, Garden Friends, for allowing me to share my garden adventures with you, for sharing yours with me and for joining me in my little celebration. :)
Here are the winners!
1. Herb Garden Seed Set - Kelsey Dunnell (#4)
Unfortunately I was unable to get in contact with Kelsey. :(
I did a second drawing and the new winner is:
Becky Komrosky (#5)
I did a second drawing and the new winner is:
Becky Komrosky (#5)
2. Garden Tool Kit - Myndi (#6)
Congratulations to both winners!
Winning Friends, please message me with your address and I'll get your prize sent to you.
(If I don't hear from you by 8pm Thursday I will draw a new winner.)
Winning Friends, please message me with your address and I'll get your prize sent to you.
(If I don't hear from you by 8pm Thursday I will draw a new winner.)
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