Questions? Write Me at

Questions? Write me at fullcirclegardener @ cableone . net.

Planting begins soon!

The average last spring frost for me is May 12 according to the NDSU extension service.  With that in mind, I have been counting out weeks and Thursday, February 17 is my first planting day this year!  WOO HOO!

Oh yes, I hear the startled cries everywhere... "What!!!  There is 3+ feet of snow on the ground and it is frozen solid for at least two more months! (not to mention the sub-zero temps!)"  This is true, but do you want to plant geraniums and petunias along your front porch, or broccoli, cauliflower and/or onions in the garden this spring?  Well, then indoor planting time can begin 12 weeks prior to outdoor planting if you are up for the adventure, joy and admittedly, sometimes sorrow, of starting your own plants.  For those of us itching to get our figures deep into some beautiful black soil, there is nothing more exciting!

I eagerly await my first planting day each year, but there is much for me to do in preparation for that day.

1) review notes from previous years
2) inventory seeds and make a planting list
3) inventory, clean & prepare my supplies & tools
4) purchase needed seeds and supplies
5) find out what should be started early and when (check out my post about the Weekend Gardener)
6) Feb 17 - START PLANTING!!! :D

I have completed the first two steps in this process already, so now it is time to start digging out my supplies.  If all goes well this weekend, I will gather up my supplies and create a list of "bare essentials" and a list of "nice to have" for the beginner and/or frugalist who wants to try their hand at starting their own plants. 

It really doesn't take much equipment or money to start your own seeds and it is very rewarding to place those flowers and vegetables into your garden and pots knowing you did it yourself!  Besides, what is the worst that can happen... you go to your local garden center and buy plants because it just didn't work out! (Ok, you might have to vac up some spilled dirt from the carpet when little fingers think they've found something fun to play with!  Experience. :-})

Now GO, get started on steps 1 and 2, and I'll be back in a few days to help you gather up your supplies. :-)

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