Questions? Write Me at

Questions? Write me at fullcirclegardener @ cableone . net.

Sick Tomatoes

I have some very sick tomatoes (possibly peppers & other things as well).  I have contacted someone with the National Gardening Association & the local extension office.  So far someone suggested possibly Tobacco Mosaic Virus!!!!  The very thought of this sends chills up my back.  What ever it is I may have to tear out all the plants from my garden to try and eliminate a disease.  I'm hoping for an answer sooner than later and praying it is not something that will have a negative effect for years to come! :(

Hope your gardening is happier than mine today. :(

Update:  My local extension agent sent my pictures and information on to the NDSU plant diagnostics lab and is wondering about herbicide damage.  Will continue to keep updated.

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